Main Road,
Great Haywood,
Stafford. ST18 0SU


How can we help you?

  1. Call or get help online now with NHS 111
  2. Get fast help from a Pharmacist
  3. Consult with your Doctor online
  4. Book an appointment online on the telephone 01889 881 206 option 2.
  5. How to Cancel an Appointment.

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NHS 111

Check your symptoms, visit NHS 111 online.

Call 111 at any time, 24 hours a day. You will speak to NHS professional staff who will help guide you on any medical issue.

Calls are free from landlines and mobiles.

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Get fast help from a Pharmacist

Your pharmacist can help with various conditions such as minor cuts, sprains, aches, colds, headaches, rashes, cystitis. Pharmacist help, including a local pharmacy search tool.

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Consult with your Doctor online

Answer a few short questions and we will get back to you within 2 working days.
See Consult with your Doctor online for further information.

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How to Cancel an Appointment

If you are unable to attend for your appointment we expect at least 24 hours notice, except in extreme cases, so that we are able to offer another patient the use of that appointment.

You can tell us using one of the following methods:

  1. eConsult:
    Use the Contact Your GP Practice Online service and tell us you need to cancel.
  2. Patient Access:
    Cancel Your Appointment online using Patient Access.
  3. Telephone:
    Please call us on 01889 881 206 and tell the receptionist.
  4. Test Message:
    By following the link in your appointment reminder text message.

We can offer your appointment to someone else and therefore help to reduce waiting times.

We have a STRICT policy for patients who regularly miss their appointments which may ultimately result in the removal of them and or their family from the practice list.

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How Our Current Appointment System Works

Same day appointments call from 8am Monday to Friday telephone 01889 881206 option 2.

Pre bookable appointments (ahead of time) call from 8am Monday to Friday telephone 01889 881206 option 2  OR you can book online the face to face appointments through the Patient Online Access or the NHS App.

Pre bookable telephone appointments are available by calling reception 01889 8801206 option 2 from 8am Monday to Friday.

All pre bookable appointments are now up to 2 weeks ahead of the day you try to book. If there is not on available today, there will be more available tomorrow.

If you wish to cancel an appointment, you can so this on line thought the NHS app or Patient online access or call reception.

Health Care Assistant appointments for blood test or blood pressure can be booked online though Patient Online Access or the NHS App as well as through reception.  Blood tests need to be requested by the doctor prior to the appointment.

When you call reception if you are 5th or later in the queue you have the option to request a ring back and still remain in the same position in the queue. 

This is automatic and if calls are not answered on the ring back, it will try a second attempt, however, if still no answer, it does not ring back a third time. 

Please note the receptionist has no control over this and if you call multiple times and request a ring back each time. It will attempt to call you back every time.

Please note, the surgery is aware of the shortage of appointments, and we have a team of additional qualified medical clinicians that can also see patients for specific reasons. It does not have to be a doctor.