Practice Catchment Area
Use the map above to check if you live within our catchment area, if after checking you are still unsure please contact reception to confirm.
Please inform us about a change of name or address as soon as possible. If you move out of the practice area, you will be required to register with a more local practice.
How to Register as a Patient
Register with us Online
Go to the Register with a GP Online Service (opens in a new browser window) and follow the on screen instructions.
Other Ways to Register
If you do not wish to Register Online you can download and complete the following form:
- Register with a GP Surgery form (PRF1)
- You do not need photo identification to register, but will need to provide this if you wish to set up online access to your medical record.
When you have completed the form visit reception in person with it.
How to Register your New Baby
You need to register your new baby at the practice as soon as possible. Therefore please complete a Register with a GP Surgery (PRF1) form and send it to your surgery. Please ensure you provide your baby’s NHS Number which will be detailed in their Red Book. Once we have received the form we will register your baby as a patient at this Practice.
The Practice will send you an appointment for a mother and baby post-natal check. This is a 50 minute appointment, 30 minutes for the baby check and 20 minutes for the post natal. Your baby’s course of routine immunisations will start at 8 weeks and will be given at this appointment. Please remember to bring the red book. If you cannot make this appointment you must notify patient services as soon as possible. Please be advised that if you do need to cancel, the next available appointment may be anything up to 4 weeks after that date.
Temporary Residents
The Doctors are happy to see patients who are temporarily resident in the Practice area should medical advice be required. In this instance persons wishing to be treated should state that they are a temporary resident when reporting to reception.
To register you will need to bring your passport and complete our Temporary Resident Registration form (also available from reception).
Accountable Named GP for All Patients
All patients registered at the Hazeldene House Surgery have a named doctor who has overall responsibility for your care and support. Your registered GP is also your named accountable and your allocated GP. Your allocated GP will be responsible for the provision of your healthcare. If you choose to see another doctor at the surgery you are entirely free to go on doing so exactly as before.
If you are unsure of who is your named Doctor please ask at reception.
New patients are allocated a Doctor on Registration.